A normal day during lockdown in Germany

Miriam Thiel-Alberts
1 min readApr 14, 2020

(day 33 of self-isolation)

By Miriam Thiel-Alberts

In the morning when I go with my dog for a walk the stillness of the little city we live in, is deafening.

Only the birds sing.

I am surrounded by stillness and it seems like the world has gone to sleep- a long, deep sleep.

In the afternoon I sit in our small garden and open my computer.

I see that new leaves appeared on the tree and I feel like crying.

Now that the city has woken up I can hear other people in their garden. I try to figure out, if I am glad to hear other people or not.

In the evening I want to numb myself with food and drink, so that I am not thinking about the sick and the dead in the world.

Numbers are messages of doom and sometimes hope and they mean so little to me. I look around and I realize that I really love my life.



Miriam Thiel-Alberts

I am an animal communicator, Reiki Master, writer and film maker and I love sharing stories about the beautiful human-animal bond. www.animal-wisdom.net